Wednesday 16 June 2010

How I have found myself up that proverbial creek without so much as a lolly stick.

I shall endeavour to make this less of sob story and more of an enjoyable read, but, well, I guess a sob story is unfortunately what I appear to be part of.
The simple answer to how I got here is love, stupidity, pinnning my hopes on someone else, oh and probably a smidge of bad luck thrown in. I shall try to explain a little more though.
So this is the situation I currently face; my partner of 4 years has walked out on me, I have no income, no home and a whole menagerie of animals to look after. I can't work properly due to illness and I am at my wits end. In august I face having to put at least two of my beloved horses to sleep. Between now and then I seem to have many impossible mountains to climb, including finding somewhere for me and four dogs to live and gain an income of some kind on which to support us.
Today is a bad day, after a week and a half of trying stubbornly to get on with life, make plans, organise things, find a way through this, I suddenly feel like I have hit a brick wall, a really large one, probably with razor wire at the top and a pit of snakes underneath it. I really can't see a way through all this. Plans go in circles, my body is physically and emotionally exhausted and of course just round every corner, indeed everywhere I look, are a whole pletherer of reminders of 'him' and the life we had, that today particularly, may as well jump from their various postions and slap me round the face in a disneyesque mannar.
You see, I invested everything into that relationship, very cautiously at first, but obviously it ran away with me. I could kick myself. I truely believe the fact I am in this mess is precisely the reason he left, I became too needy. It's quite obvious now, that I quite literally needed him to survive. Now he has gone I quite literally can't. Boy that must have been a pretty scary realisation for him. Let me tell you though, it's scarier from this side of the fence now he has gone. He was my knight in shining armour, my world, my best friend, mentor, my everything. He would have walked over hot coals for me or so I thought. The worst part is, I really honestly never believed he would leave me....that must have been fatal mistake number two, utter complacency.
Do you know what the worst part of today is though? The fact that, now I have hit that brick wall, woken up to the fact that whichever way I turn my life is screwed, faced the very real fact that I have lost everything and only have shreds to cling to, what do you think I am sat here hoping for? That my next knight in shining armour may be just around the next corner! Or perhaps worse, that my ex may decide to dust his armour back off! How ridiculous!
Still, I shall cuddle a dog or two for now, and then get back on the merry-go-round.

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